A New Take On A Very Old Process

There is a lot that goes into creating a novel. Believe me, I know. I've written six of them. Before the first word is written, most authors will spend a few weeks or months working on character development, story arcs, the three-act structure, back story, plot points, world-building, and more. All of this preparation is necessary to make the story and its characters believable. Without preparation, the characters feel flat and one-dimensional.

Character Development

Characters are humans, and humans have a lot going on inside their heads. Our memories make us who we are and shape how we think and talk. We know grand concepts that impact our daily conversations, such as how to operate digital devices and how those devices impact our lives and culture. We also have experiences with technology that impact how we feel about it as a whole. But we would not know these concepts if our world did not have technology, and we would certainly not have any feelings on the topic. The characters in a novel have been exposed to concepts and have memories that shape their behavior patterns. If an author doesn't have a good grasp of each character's unique view of the world, the story falls flat.

Writing Techniques

There are ways to trick a reader or a viewer into thinking a story has depth when it actually doesn't. Let's use Star Wars as an example. When Luke slaps a piece of advanced technology because it isn't working properly, it gives the impression that the device is old and has a history. But it doesn't because the scriptwriter didn't give the prop any history. Sometimes, this is all that is needed to create a sense of substance. It's kind of a trick. A great trick. A brilliant trick. Lucas is a genius. But, we wanted to do more than trick our readers. 


We’re working with a long timeline, and the MILLENNIUM novels take place in a complex world that has layers we can't fully comprehend. We want our characters to have memories of their world so that their actions and opinions have depth. Therefore, rather than spending a few weeks or months in preparation, we took a year to study the prophesies and create genealogies, a timeline, technologies, geographic locations, and more. After the year, we realized it wasn't enough, and the Millennium Project was born. We decided to write short stories that take place throughout the entire thousand-year period to give our future novels, which take place at the end of the Millennium, unmatched substance and consistency. Thus, we took the very old process of story development and put a new spin on it.

What You Can Expect

Every short story we write brings our world into focus. As we move forward and create the three novels, we will draw upon the short stories to give you books that are rich with history and filled with complex characters. That is our goal, and with your help, we can achieve it.


Story Prologue