5 Facts About The Left Behind Book

Few people, particularly Christian Readers, are unfamiliar with the Left Behind book. We thought it would be fun to do some research and share 5 little-known facts about this incredible book.

  1. Initial Concept: The idea for Left Behind originated with Tim LaHaye, who conceptualized the story while on a plane. He observed a pilot flirting with a flight attendant and imagined what would happen if the Rapture occurred at that moment. This scenario inspired him to pitch the idea to Jerry B. Jenkins, who agreed to write the series.

  2. Unexpected Series Expansion: The first book, Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days, was initially intended to be a standalone volume. However, due to its success, it expanded into a series that eventually included 16 books.

  3. Release Date: The first book was released on December 31, 1995, a somewhat unusual date for a book launch, especially for a series that would become so influential in Christian fiction.

  4. Crossover Appeal: While initially targeting a conservative Christian audience, the series managed to cross over into mainstream popularity. Seven of the novels reached the top of sales charts, with The Remnant debuting at number one on The New York Times Best-Seller List for fiction.

  5. Cultural Phenomenon: The series became more than just books; it turned into a multimedia franchise including films, graphic novels, audio dramas, and even video games. This broad appeal helped cement its status as a cultural phenomenon.

Never read the series? Now is a good time to get started. Grab them on Amazon.


Is Left Behind Still Good In 2024?

The Left Behind series, co-authored by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, remains a topic of interest in 2024 for several reasons, though opinions on its worthiness vary significantly.

Reasons to Read Left Behind

  1. Cultural Impact: The series has had a significant cultural impact, especially within evangelical Christian circles. It has sold millions of copies and has been adapted into films and other media, making it a notable part of contemporary Christian fiction.

  2. Engaging Storytelling: For some readers, the series offers an engaging narrative that combines action with religious themes. The story is set in a post-Rapture world where characters navigate chaos and find faith, which can be compelling for those interested in apocalyptic fiction.

  3. Exploration of Prophecy: The series is deeply rooted in interpretations of Biblical prophecy, which might appeal to readers interested in eschatology or the theological aspects of Christianity.

Criticisms and Concerns

  1. Theological Controversy: Critics argue that the series promotes a specific eschatological view that may not align with all Christian teachings. Some believe it can lead to a misplaced focus on apocalypticism rather than enduring Christian discipleship.

  2. Character Development: Some readers find the character development lacking or unrelatable. For instance, the protagonist Rayford Steele's sudden conversion is seen as unrealistic by some critics.

  3. Simplistic Worldview: The series has been criticized for its narrow focus on American evangelical perspectives, potentially missing the opportunity to explore a broader range of cultural and religious experiences.

  4. Preachy: Some criticize the writing style as being overly simplistic or preachy, but its cross-market success is more than enough proof that this is not the case.

What do you think?

Whether Left Behind is worth reading in 2024 largely depends on individual interests and perspectives. Those interested in Christian eschatology or looking for an influential piece of evangelical fiction might find it worthwhile. However, readers seeking nuanced character development or diverse cultural perspectives might not find it as satisfying. Ultimately, its value lies in its ability to provoke thought and discussion about faith, prophecy, and the end times.


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