The Millennium Project

Three authors, three interwoven stories, one world.

"We will beat our swords into plowshares, but war still rages in the heart of man."

A utopian society rises around the ruins of Washington D.C. and its surrounding cities. Souls are born into this perfect society where selflessness isn't just a virtue, it is the law. While some resist the law and are drawn into the ruins of the old world, and into the darkness it offers, others choose to go into the darkness to bring them home.

Interwoven short stories, each independent, but creating one, larger story you won’t soon forget.

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Stephanie B. ~ ME

“Jason is quite a good writer! Very smooth and comfortable to read. Thought-provoking plot. He builds a whole dystopian civilization that has the potential to be real.”

Judy M. ~ VA

“Powerful, well-written message, Samuel! May there be a ripple effect as the Lord uses your words to touch hearts and lives for His Kingdom!”

Deborah L. ~ ME

“John, last night I read the story about the woman that took three parcels out to Twilight; that twist at the end got me good!”

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